Arowana introduction

Mythical Arowana Fish

The Arowana has many mystical beliefs attached to it all through Asia. The “feelers” on the side of its mouth look like the whiskers on drawings of ancient Dragons which is why the tropical fish is sometimes referred to as the Dragon fish.
Now, in Asian culture the mythical Dragon symbolises good fortune, good luck, wealth and prosperity for you and your family. Obviously with the Arowana being linked to the Dragon the freshwater fish is also seen to have these mythical powers. This is one of the many reasons that the Arowana is particularly popular with Chinese businessmen as they hope that it will bring them good fortune in their life.

Another belief about this particular tropical fish is that it is said to be able to tell the difference between a friend or an enemy of the family. If the Arowana starts to thrash its tail when someone enters your house they are deemed as an enemy. The Arowana is normally a very mild mannered fish and quite placid.

The last belief that I will talk about is when the Arowana is believed to die instead of its owner. There are many tales of when a person has a near death experience only to return home and find that their Arowana has died at the same time that the owner would have died had the fish not taken the “death” for them.
It is very easy to see why the tropical fish is so popular with Chinese people with all these beliefs attached to it. If you choose to believe or not whatever happens if you are lucky enough to own an Arowana you will still have a wonderful and beautiful fish to look at and you never know maybe your luck will get better too.